Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Answered Prayer

Sorry...it's been a long time since I've blogged. I don't know why. I've been prompted to many times.

What has God been doing in my life these days, you ask? Well...let me tell you :)

Our holidays were wonderful and hectic. That's usual! It was our last Christmas with my Granddaddy. He went home to be with Jesus the first week of January. It was such a blessing for me to help care for him in the end days of his life here on earth. He was always so gracious and kind and it was such a small gift to give him for all his years of service to others. He left this earth peacefully and walked into the arms of his Savior with no regrets. How many of us can say that? I am amazed at the peace that filled the room that day. It was the same when my Grandma went home to be with the Lord. Just a sense of right. I praise God for all the sweet moments in those last days.

In February, the enemy has a field day with my family. Greg is working 12 hour night shifts and his presence at home is sorely missed. That leaves me to be mom, taxi, cook, cleaner, and disciplinarian. To three very vibrant boys, that can be very tiring. I feel the load every day, but trust that God will be my strength and patience. We are believing that God will change his hours, but I know that God is teaching Greg through this time and he needs to be still long enough to hear God's instruction and direction before He will move him on.

At the beginning of February, I had a parent/teacher conference with Luke's teacher. He has been struggling all year with behavior in school. Not bad behavior, but 5 year old boy behavior. At this particular meeting, the idea was thrown at me that we should have him tested for ADHD. Needess to say, I was appalled!!!! Not that ADHD is a horrible thing or anything, but I know that Luke does not have it. He is just a young 5 yr old who needs a little bit of prodding to do what he needs to do.

Greg and I prayed over what to do...a lot. We feel like God was leading us to bring Luke home for the rest of the year and then start Kindergarten again next year. So, next year, Luke and Christian both will go to Mission Road Elem. We are at peace with this decision and feel that it is God's will.

There....done with the update on the happenings of the Abell's :) Now...on to what God is teaching me.

Where to begin...

I guess the thing that stands out in my life right now is what He is doing in the lives of people in my life that I have been praying for. God is teaching me such humility and mercy in praying for these dear people. I've seen lost souls come to Christ, rebellious believers come back to the Lord, broken lives mended, bound hearts set free, attacks of the enemy thwarted, changes in attitudes and behaviors. I am at a loss for words each time someone I've been intercessing for tells me where God is moving in their lives. Some know that I am praying for them...and some don't. What I've learned is this...God hears the prayers of his children when they are humble and fervent and broken before Him. He hears EVERY cry! Even when we don't have the words, the Holy Spirit speaks on our behalf!! How awesome is that?!

How does this affect me? It takes me to my knees more. It amazes me that the God of this whole immense universe listens to the petitions of a worthless sinner like me. He gives me worth. He gives me purpose. He desires that communication with me! Oh how he loves me!!

We just finished a Bible Study with a wonderful woman of God, Nancy Dempsey. I learned to much about the sanctification process and the areas of my life where I thought I was alone, but looking back, God was always there. The last day of the last week, God spoke. I'd been waiting for 6 weeks to hear from Him and was patiently waiting. Then...there is was. Like a hammer to the heart. He gave me a vision of leading a Bible Study in my neighborhood. Me!? Are you crazy?! Immediately the enemy began his lies...no one will come, what if some crazy person comes, you might have people who no one else likes in your home. I blocked those darts and prayed that God show me the how and when.

I am very excited to begin this journey with God. I am beyond humbled that He wants to use me to reach the women in this neighborhood. I am STOKED to be starting a mentoring program with Age to Age and Nancy Dempsey!!!! I am resting in Him and know He will complete this in my life.

Here is my verse for the day:

"God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us." Eph. 3:20- The Message


  1. I am really impressed with your blog. Very interesting and very well written. Proud to see you following Gods plan for your life. Dont worry the Devil will continuously give you all the reasons why you shouldnt follow Gods plan in your life. Follow God and continue to do his work. No matter how weird or crazy it seems, if Gods instructs you to do it then do it. Remember God doesnt call the qualified, he qualifies the ones he calls.Love ya.
    Kim Evans

  2. Thank you, Kim :) That means a lot to me!!
