Saturday, August 7, 2010


It has been so long since I've blogged, I forgot my login information LOL


I've had strep throat for the last 4 days. Since I have felt like a truck ran over me, backed up and ran over me again, I felt like DOING something today (thanks to Augmentin!) It was a cool and overcast morning, so I thought I would tackle the yardwork. I began mowing and the mower just quit halfway through. Don't know just stopped. And yes, there was gas in it, for those of you asking that question.

Then, I decided to work in the flower bed since it was overrun with crabgrass...again. My favorite thing in the whole world to do it weed the flower bed. I hope you can hear the sarcasm in my writing here.

At first, I just started with the parts of the grass I could see on the surface. But then, I went deeper. The roots were deep, tough, stubborn and white. Exasperated, I asked God, "Why did you create these weeds!!!" He answered, "I don't like them, but I allow them."

Whoa...were we really talking about weeds here? Of course not! I began to see the weeds as sin. I like to deal with sin on the surface and tend to leave the roots alone and you know what happens?? It always comes back. It's not until I let God pull out the roots that I will truly have victory. He doesn't like the sin in our lives, in fact He hates it, but He allows us to make the mistakes to draw us into a closer relationship with Him.

So God and I did a little digging through the sin in my life today. Exposing roots and pulling them out. All while I dug in the earth with my hands. When I was done, I was sweaty, dirty, and had blisters on my hands, but the flower bed looks great. I even found some flowers I didn't know I had under all the junk. I felt accomplished with my manual labor and at peace with my spiritual labor.

Not a bad start to a Saturday, I think :)

Oh and by the way, Greg just told me that there was a stick in the belt of the mower and that's why it wouldn't start. Maybe, just maybe, God wanted that conversation to take place, huh?